Jumat, 23 September 2011

Ujian Asa

Merajut keselarasan melintas kekuasaan

Mendamba senyuman kesemuanya

Kenikmatan meleleh menjadi pilihan

Keterluntaan berubah menjelma teman

Saat upaya terhadang tradisi

Teladan terasa angin yang melaju berlawanan arah

Hati sesekali merintih

Nafas terkadang turut menjerit


Ikhlaskah sebuah jawaban

Relakah suatu harapan

Atau kesabaran adalah tuntutan itu

Wahai dzat pemilik segalanya

Tempatku berkeluh kesah

Arah semua rintihan

Tujuan berjuta harapan

Lantunan keresahan hati hanya kepada-Mu

Ya Rahman… Ya Rahim…


Senyuman, mutiara terlupakan....

Sebuah hari penuh senyuman....

Suasana syhadu....

Potensi pengetar hati dan perekat silaturrahim....

Lukisan nyata keindahan Makhluk.....









Racun yang tak kau sadari dari jiwa yang resah....

wahai jiwa yang senantiasa merindukan ketenangan....

Bersimpuhlah pada tuhan semesta alam...

Merengek untuk menjadikan senyum sebagai sarana untuk mendapatkan ridhoNya....

No mind and let them go away

When your dreams which is so beautiful never become true, no mind. When you run after your hope and it has never arrived, no mind.

Whatever happened, I will be your side. Do not be sad, because everything's gonna be OKAY

One of many possibilities, you fall in with no expectations. That time I dedicated my self with the spirit, dream, love and hope.

We try to connect on one by one cause and effect. But, be calm down.

We have a heart’s eye which bring us to happiness. You and I know, there's always the way.

I also know one thing again that problems always come over us as if the waves crashing against the rocks. But I know .. I know you're able to face them calmly. Face them with me till death.

When you expect friendliness of love, then you have never got it, no mind. Listen to my song that all is not over yet.

Join our step. Hold our heart and emotion.

Get the happiness….!!!

(Inspired by Bondan's song)